Dealing with Allergies the Natural Way

Alcohol Poisoning: How To Immunize Your College-Bound Kid

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Are you the parents of a high school senior heading off to college this fall? Right now you may be focused on graduation deadlines and financial aid forms, but there is another critical issue on the horizon. College parties put your son or daughter at risk for alcohol poisoning, something that may prove more of a challenge than Biology 101. Just like you vaccinated your son or daughter against childhood diseases, take time to immunize against this present threat to health and safety.…

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5 Ways 3D Printing Has Changed Pediatric Medicine

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When the world was first introduced to 3D printing, manufacturers saw an opportunity to create products in a process that is more streamlined and efficient. Those in the pediatric medical community saw something entirely different. Over the past several decades, 3D printers have evolved into machines that can create a variety of medical devices that are perfect for use in the youngest patients. Here are 5 ways 3D printers have changed pediatric medicine and the lives of countless families.…

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Dementia Classifications And Music For Dementia Care

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From the old to the young, music always provides pleasure and comfort. Music is even useful for providing healing to the body and the mind. In fact, music provides natural treatment and healing to individuals suffering from dementia, a condition that usually negatively affects the memory, speech, judgment, and reasoning of an individual. Some forms of dementia can also cause an individual to lose emotional and behavioral control. There are several different classification schemes of dementia, for which music can provide treatment and healing.…

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