Dealing with Allergies the Natural Way

Tips For Bonding With Your Infant In The NICU

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If you have a baby that is in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), there is a good chance that you want to make sure that you bond with your child as quickly as possible. This can be frustrating for you because you might not be able to touch and hold your baby as much as you would like, which you know is important for bonding. Here are some tips for bonding with your baby in the NICU, despite the difficulties that you face.…

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Safe And Pain-Free Removal Of The Callus Buildup On Your Feet

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If the calluses on the heels of your feet have become thick and rough, then you will be pleased to learn that you can easily remove them yourself at home. The process of removing the unsightly calluses is safe, simple, and pain-free.  To remove your foot calluses today, follow this simple procedure: Important Medical Warning: If you are someone living with diabetes, then you should never attempt to remove your own foot calluses.…

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What To Expect When You Have A Mouth Massage

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Massage is often synonymous with treating a wide range of areas throughout the body (visit sites like for more information), but you might not ever think that your massage therapist may ask to work inside your mouth. However, if you’re dealing with issues such as temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, a massage inside your mouth may be needed to loosen the tight jaw muscles that are causing you pain. You might be surprised when your massage therapist asks if he or she can work inside your mouth, but this practice is perfectly normal and can often lead to successful results.…

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