Normally, people expect anemia to be associated with women who are pregnant or with adults who have other related health conditions. Many parents do not anticipate threat their own young child could develop anemia, and symptoms can therefore go untreated for a long time. Here are the signs of anemia in toddlers, what causes them, and what can be done to help treat the condition.
Causes of Anemia in Toddlers…
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, affects about 70 million American adults and often does not come with any warning signs. When your blood pressure rises too high for an extended period of time, it can lead to serious consequences, like heart attacks, stroke, aneurysms, and weakened blood vessels in your kidneys. Your likelihood of getting diagnosed with this condition increases if you are overweight, smoke tobacco, consume too much sodium, or drink too much alcohol.…
If you have been experiencing a lot of pain in one or both of your wrists lately, you may want to consider visiting a hand doctor to determine the cause of the pain. Wrist pain can be a result of numerous problems; however, there is a good chance that you might be suffering from tendonitis. Tendonitis can be very painful and cause stiffness and mobility issues, but it can also be treated relatively easily.…