Dealing with Allergies the Natural Way

Common Treatment Options For Testicular Cancer

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Advancements in the oncology field have widened the range of available options for testicular cancer treatment. Before beginning a treatment plan, a healthcare provider will discuss these options with their patient to help them determine the best solution based on their condition. However, even though the decision should be made alongside a healthcare provider, having some level of knowledge about the treatment options available to you is helpful.  Surgery  Surgery is one of the more invasive means of treatment for this type of cancer.…

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Understanding Menopause And Its Symptoms

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Menopause is a natural part of the aging process for women, marking the end of their reproductive years. The Mayo Clinic states that the average age for menopause in the United States is 51, but it typically occurs in a women’s 40s to 50s. While menopause is a normal event, it can often bring with it uncomfortable, even painful, symptoms that can disrupt daily life. Here’s a closer look at what menopause is, how to recognize its symptoms, and potential menopause treatment options.…

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Subtle Signs You Might Need A Hearing Test

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People often assume that if they were having trouble hearing, they would realize it. But in reality, people often lose their hearing very slowly and without really realizing it is happening. You’re unlikely to wake up one day and think “I can’t hear very well”. But you very well might notice these subtle signs, which indicate you should call the doctor for a hearing test.  You keep turning the volume up.…

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