As you age, you might find a number of things going a bit awry with your body. One of the most common side effects of aging is the fact that your eyes will begin to lose the vigor and health that they once retained in your youth. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about 5 common eye diseases that may affect you as you grow older.…
If you are missing some teeth and are considering replacing them, you may be thinking about getting dental implants. Dental implants are the number one product for tooth replacement; however, if you smoke, you may want to think twice before going through with this. Smoking may not only affect your eligibility for getting dental implants, but it can also affect the ability of your body to keep them.
Why Is Smoking A Factor When Getting Dental Implants?…
According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, an estimated 3.1 million Americans used acupuncture to treat a number of illnesses and conditions, from nausea and back pain to cancer, in 2007. If you’re pregnant and suffering from morning sickness, swollen feet or trouble sleeping, you might be willing to try just about anything to find a little relief. Here are a few common questions many pregnant women considering acupuncture have, including whether it is safe for their growing baby:…