Whether you have a deep-seated desire to help women become mothers who would not otherwise be able to do so, or you would like to make some extra money, donating your eggs is one way to do either. Thanks to the modern advances in fertility medicine, fertile eggs can be harvested from a healthy female, fertilized, and then implanted into a female who cannot produce a fertile egg on her own.…
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Thanks to genetic testing, parents often find out whether their child has an inherited health condition before birth. While this has its advantages, being told that your child will be born with any sort of ailment or deformity can also be scary. If you’ve been informed that your baby will be born with Choroideremia, here are the answers to some of the questions you’re likely to have.
What causes Choroideremia?…
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Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common problem for children that is easily corrected with the help of eyeglasses. However, it is important to try to prevent the development and progression of the eye condition. If you suspect your child has myopia, here is what you need to know.
Is Your Child at Risk?
For some children, the risk for myopia is genetic. If a parent has it, your child has an increased chance of also developing the eye condition.…
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