Dealing with Allergies the Natural Way

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Need To See A Doctor Afterhours? The Differences Between Emergency Rooms And Urgent Care Clinics

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If you are sick or injured and an ambulance is called, you’re headed for the emergency room. But, what happens if you have a minor injury or just feel sick when your regular doctor’s office is closed? Should you head for the emergency room or seek help at one of the urgent care centers in your area? Below are the differences between the two services, which may help you decide.…

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Undergoing Gender Reassignment Surgery? Don't Forget About Your Teeth

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The differences between male and female bodies are countless. There are plenty of obvious trait differences – men are (on average) taller than women, have different reproductive organs and more body hair. But there are also more subtle differences between men and women’s bodies, and one of those differences is the shape of their teeth. If you have undergone gender reassignment surgery or plan to in the future, read on to learn why it’s time to call a cosmetic dentist.…

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4 Tips For Helping A Relative That Has Just Completed Drug Rehab

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If a close relative is just finishing up treatment at a drug recovery center and is going to live with you after getting out, you may wonder how to handle this situation to make sure he or she stays drug-free. While it is not your responsibility to make sure your adult relative never does drugs again, there are things you should know, realize, and do to make this person’s chances of success greater.…

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Tired of Your Excessive Sweating Issue? How Botox Might Help

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If you sweat more than you think you should and are embarrassed by it, you could visit a cosmetic dermatologist for help. Excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis, is a condition that is typically harmless, but there are times when it is caused by an underlying illness. If you would like to find out what is causing this and how to stop it from happening, make an appointment with a cosmetic dermatologist and read on to learn more about your options.…

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4 Tips To Help You Through Skin Cancer Treatment

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Skin cancer treatments can range from minor surgery to systemic treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, for metastatic or invasive skin cancer. No matter your current treatment plan, there are ways to enhance the benefits of any treatment. Don’t Focus On The Numbers Although knowing the statistics about different types of skin cancer can make you an informed and proactive patient, they do little to tell you about your individual response to treatment or your likely outcome.…

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What Kind Of Facelift Should You Get?

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If the person looking back at you in the mirror looks like a stranger, you may be considering a facelift – but what kind of facelift? Cosmetic surgery to create a more youthful or healthier appearance is not one procedure, but a family of procedures, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, and ideal applications. Here are some tips for making the right choice based on your specific challenges, needs, and expectations.…

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Dealing With Glaucoma: About The New Eye Stent Treatment & Is It Right For You?

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Whether you have just been diagnosed with open-angle glaucoma or have been battling it for years, you know how important it is to keep it under control to prevent further damage to your eyes. Whether you are currently on a treatment plan working for you, or you and your doctor have not yet gotten your glaucoma under control, you likely want to know about any new glaucoma treatments that you may be a candidate for now or in the future.…

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Estrogen Therapy After Oophorectomy To Reduce Ovarian Cancer Risk

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Ovarian cancer affects more women than anticipated, and ranks fifth in cancer death in women. According to the American Cancer Society, 21,290 women will receive a new diagnosis for ovarian cancer and 14,180 women will die from ovarian cancer in 2015. Those who are at risk of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer often undergo an oophorectomy, which is a surgical procedure that removes one or both ovaries. After an oophorectomy, estrogen levels will drop.…

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Type A People: How Your Personality Is Causing Your Back Pain, And 3 Easy Things You Can Do About It

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Do you consider yourself an impatient person? Are you quick to lose your temper, or competitive by nature? If so, you’ve got a type A personality, and it may be the cause of your lower back pain. Read on to learn more. What Makes A Person Type A? The term “type A personality” has been around since the 1950s. It was first dubbed by two well-known cardiologists who conducted a study on norepinephrine (the hormone that stimulates your fight or flight response) levels.…

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Working Out For Two: When You Might Be Discouraged From Exercising During Pregnancy

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Most pregnant women hear a series of recommendations from their obstetricians or midwives, including keeping up with routine exercise regimens. Although regular exercise is typically a good thing for pregnant women, there are some instances where you might be told that taking it easy is safer. Here’s a look at some of the most common reasons to be cautious about your exercise plan during pregnancy. Preterm Labor Symptoms or History…

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