Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Estrogen Therapy After Oophorectomy To Reduce Ovarian Cancer Risk
Ovarian cancer affects more women than anticipated, and ranks fifth in cancer death in women. According to the American Cancer Society, 21,290 women will receive a new diagnosis for ovarian cancer and 14,180 women will die from ovarian cancer in 2015. Those who are at risk of being diagnosed with ovarian cancer often undergo an oophorectomy, which is a surgical procedure that removes one or both ovaries. After an oophorectomy, estrogen levels will drop. As estrogen impacts numerous biological functions, undergoing bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may be a good option.
Exploring the Basics of Bioidentical Estrogen Replacement Therapy
Bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy involves one of three different forms of estrogen produced in the body — estradiol, which is the predominant estrogen produced in premenopausal women, estrone, and estriol, which is the predominant estrogen produced during pregnancy. All forms of oestrogen play a huge part in regulating biological processes. For example, a deficiency may induce hot flashes.
Bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy involves resupplying the body with artificially made estrogen with the same chemical and molecular structure as hormones that are produced in the body in order to trick the body that it is still functioning properly. These hormones have the same function and play the same role as estrogen that is naturally produced in the body.
Women who opt for bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy will also require the hormone progestin. Progestin is responsible for preventing estrogen overgrowth, which can lead to endometrial cancer.
Testing for Estrogen Deficiency
To determine whether there is a deficiency, a clinician will measure hormone levels via a saliva test or through a blood test. A saliva test will measure the amount of hormones that are not bound to proteins and are available to carry out tasks whereas a blood test measures the total amount of hormones in your body. As a result, most clinicians rely on a saliva test, as it is less invasive, and will give you the information that you need regarding the amount of hormones that you have left available within your system.
Administrating the Bioidentical Estrogen Replacement Therapy
If a deficiency is detected, your clinician may recommend estrogen replacement therapy, which is generally self-administered once or twice a day via transdermal creams, oral capsules or subcutaneous injections. Subcutaneous injections and transdermal creams are generally recommended over oral capsules because the hormones do not travel through the liver or the digestive system. Women with weak livers may not be able to tolerate the breakdown of estrogen, and bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy may cause gallbladder diseases and other negative effects.
A clinician will have to retest estrogen levels in your body regularly in order to determine whether the dosage needs to be changed.
Understanding the Type of Benefits That Can Be Reaped
Due to the huge role that estrogen plays in biological processes, opting for bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy can help return biological processes back to their original state. Some common benefits that result from bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy include:
- reducing the effects of hormonally induced weight gain.
- decreasing risk of heart disease and mortality.
- decreasing risk of ovarian cancer and breast cancer.
- restoring elasticity and lubrication to vaginal tissues and walls.
- reducing the risk of infections and urinary incontinence.
- reducing hot flash and night sweat occurrences.
- helping to improve mood disorders.
- increasing collagen levels for tighter skin tissues.
- reducing the risk of dental conditions and diseases.
- slowing bone loss to prevent osteoporosis.
All in all, your body will feel much healthier when you finally balance the hormones in your body.
Opting for bioidentical estrogen replacement therapy after getting an oophorectomy can help balance out hormonal changes in your body, so that you feel much healthier. This type of therapy is easy to implement, and can make a huge impact on your quality of living. Click here for more info.