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Three Tips For Minimizing Scarring Associated With Skin Cancer Surgery

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Skin cancer is the most common cancer affecting Americans in the modern age. Although it boasts a 99-percent success rate, the Moh’s surgery procedure used to remove cancerous cells can leave behind scars. Since most skin cancer occurs in the face, neck, and other visible areas, it is understandable that people undergoing this procedure would want to minimize the risk of scarring or reduce the appearance of scars that may form.…

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Anemia And Your Toddler: Causes And Prevention

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Normally, people expect anemia to be associated with women who are pregnant or with adults who have other related health conditions. Many parents do not anticipate threat their own young child could develop anemia, and symptoms can therefore go untreated for a long time. Here are the signs of anemia in toddlers, what causes them, and what can be done to help treat the condition.  Causes of Anemia in Toddlers…

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What Is Hypertension, and How Do You Manage It?

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Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, affects about 70 million American adults and often does not come with any warning signs. When your blood pressure rises too high for an extended period of time, it can lead to serious consequences, like heart attacks, stroke, aneurysms, and weakened blood vessels in your kidneys. Your likelihood of getting diagnosed with this condition increases if you are overweight, smoke tobacco, consume too much sodium, or drink too much alcohol.…

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How Tendonitis Might Be the Cause of Your Wrist Pain

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If you have been experiencing a lot of pain in one or both of your wrists lately, you may want to consider visiting a hand doctor to determine the cause of the pain. Wrist pain can be a result of numerous problems; however, there is a good chance that you might be suffering from tendonitis. Tendonitis can be very painful and cause stiffness and mobility issues, but it can also be treated relatively easily.…

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Dealing with Gout

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Gout is something most people never give a thought to until they come down with a case of it themselves. Although gout is not often discussed, it can be a terribly painful and debilitating condition, particularly for those who develop chronic gout. If you are diagnosed with this condition, you can take steps to limit its negative effects on your life. Symptoms If you are stricken with gout, you will probably experience more symptoms than just extreme pain in a foot.…

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2 Reasons To Get A Breast Reconstruction After Losing Your Breast Or Breasts

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If you have lost one or both of your breasts due to breast cancer or an accident of some sort, then it is very important that you realize that your breasts can be reconstructed for you after they have been given time to heal. A plastic surgeon who specializes in reconstructing breasts will be able to meet with you for a consultation and from there the two of you can discuss what your hopes are for rebuilding your breasts.…

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How Palliative Care Can Make You Happier And Healthier If You Are Depressed from Your Chronic Illness

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Suffering from a chronic illness can be overwhelming, painful, and depressing, but you don’t have to feel like this. Palliative care is a service you can obtain that is designed solely for improving the quality of life for people with chronic illnesses. This service combines a variety of services into one, and it can help you prevent all of the serious risks associated with depression, which is a common result of living with a chronic illness.…

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Chemotherapy Safety Precautions For Home Carers

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Doctors have used chemotherapy to treat cancer patients for several decades, and physicians now use many types of chemotherapy medication. Doctors can administer chemo drugs in a clinic or hospital, but many people also receive treatment at home. In any case, if you need to look after somebody who is having chemotherapy treatment, you need to know how to protect other people from the chemotherapy medication contamination. Find out what you need to do here.…

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3 Tips For Transitioning To Treatment With A Pain Management Facility

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The push for more doctors to refer their patients to pain management facilities in lieu of in-house pain treatment can be difficult for some patients. As a patient who is new to treatment by a pain management facility, there are ways to make the transition easier. Understand Your Contract Someone at the clinic will likely explain your pain management contract before you sign the form. Make sure you thoroughly understand how facilities work and your responsibilities as a patient.…

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Mollified by Moles? Try These Safe, Effective At-Home Removal Solutions

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For some people, a mole is merely one of many distinct features that helps to enhance their appearance and add a unique appeal. Other people, however, may feel differently by the presence of one or more moles on their face or body and desperately want to do away with them.  If you would like to rid yourself of a mole that you find unflattering or uncomfortable to live with, you may be surprised to know that your home’s pantry or medicine chest may already hold a safe, effective removal solution.…

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