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How To Fight The Flu This Season

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With kids back in school, it’s inevitable that the flu may hit your household at some point. It’s important to take some precautions in order to prevent germs from taking over your home and putting you out of commission for too long. See below for some tips on how to fight the flu this season. Get A Flu Shot Be sure to get your flu shot before the start of the flu season.…

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3 Things To Look At When Choosing A Medicare Advantage Plan

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A Medicare Advantage plan can be a great alternative to original Medicare. It will help you cover your health care costs and can even include prescription drug coverage. If you have decided that this is the right option for you, you could be shopping around for your options. These are a few things that you will want to look at when choosing a plan: 1. Deductible and Premium Costs First of all, since you are probably signing up for a Medicare Advantage plan so that you can save money on your health care, you will probably want to look at the costs that you will be expected to pay.…

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Your Elderly Parent Had A Stroke: What's Next?

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Being at the hospital and being informed your elderly parent has a stroke can be not only confusing but terrifying. Understanding what’s happened it’s just the beginning of the journey you and your parent will take toward recovery. There are some things you’ll need to do before leaving the hospital that will make your parent’ situation easier: Ask for Telestroke Sessions In the hours that follow your parent’s stroke, they could be eligible for medication that can slow or reverse stroke effects.…

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4 Types Of Medical Equipment To Help With Limited Mobility

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Whether you are recovering from an injury or you have limited mobility due to your advanced age, you may find it necessary to use a device that is designed to help you get around easier. There are several types of devices that can be purchased from a medical equipment supply company that may be of assistance. Any of these devices can help you feel more independent and move safely in your home or while on the go.…

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3 Immunizations You May Need As An Adult Senior

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Most adults make the assumption that immunizations are pretty much over with once they are an adult as long as they get all of the necessary shots when they were a child or teenager. However, there are immunizations that are necessary even in adulthood, especially once you get older. There are a handful of immunizations that are recommended for seniors, either because this age brings on more risk of certain illnesses or diseases or because it has been a lot of years since a vaccine was given.…

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Considering Donating Your Eggs To Help Others? There Are A Few Things To Consider First

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Whether you have a deep-seated desire to help women become mothers who would not otherwise be able to do so, or you would like to make some extra money, donating your eggs is one way to do either. Thanks to the modern advances in fertility medicine, fertile eggs can be harvested from a healthy female, fertilized, and then implanted into a female who cannot produce a fertile egg on her own.…

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What You Need To Know As The Parent Of A Child With Choroideremia

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Thanks to genetic testing, parents often find out whether their child has an inherited health condition before birth. While this has its advantages, being told that your child will be born with any sort of ailment or deformity can also be scary. If you’ve been informed that your baby will be born with Choroideremia, here are the answers to some of the questions you’re likely to have. What causes Choroideremia?…

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Will Your Child Develop Nearsightedness?

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Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common problem for children that is easily corrected with the help of eyeglasses. However, it is important to try to prevent the development and progression of the eye condition. If you suspect your child has myopia, here is what you need to know.   Is Your Child at Risk?  For some children, the risk for myopia is genetic. If a parent has it, your child has an increased chance of also developing the eye condition.…

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Struggling With Your Weight Because Of PCOS? Tips For You

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When you receive a diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), one of the symptoms and issues that your doctor might inform you about is the problem of weight gain as well as difficulty losing weight. This is a common problem for women suffering from PCOS, particularly those with high levels of androgen (male) hormones or insulin issues. If you are currently struggling with your weight and dealing with PCOS at the same time, there are some ways that you can go about losing weight as well as properly managing your weight.…

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3-Step Herbal Remedy For Easing Your Tennis Elbow Pain

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If you suffer from tennis elbow pain, you may wonder if there is anything you can do at home to naturally ease your symptoms. If so, use the following three-step herbal remedy using ingredients you can find in pharmacies and natural health shops. Step 1:  Rub Your Elbow With A Homemade Herbal Massage Oil The first step in this home remedy involves massaging your elbow with a homemade herbal oil. This oil uses eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties.…

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