Americans love their coffee, and 54 percent of American adults drink coffee at least once a day. What’s more, the average coffee drinker consumes more than 3 cups of coffee a day. As such, it’s important to understand the effects this popular beverage can have on your oral health. Find out if your daily cup of coffee is good for you, and learn more about the side effects this popular drink could have on your health.…
If you injure your foot, it is often easy to tell if you have a broken bone– bruising, intense swelling, misshapen areas and the fact you heard a pop or a snap could all indicate a broken bone. If you have pain but did not hear a sound, you might assume it is a sprain. However, sometimes intense pain can also be caused by a hairline fracture in one of your bones.…
An alarming 50 million Americans may be at risk of having a life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. Insect sting allergies cause 40-100 deaths every year, and it is believed that 8% of children under age three in the United States have food allergies.
Given these statistics, it is crucial that all parents know how to recognize the symptoms of anaphylaxis and what to do if they suspect their children have this life-threatening reaction to an allergen.…
Caring for a loved one can be challenging. From the various ways the body declines with age to the different physical and emotional medical conditions your loved one may face, it is easy to see how so many children reverse roles and become a sole caregiver of their parent. Considering an estimated one million Americans live with Parkinson’s disorder, learning the signs of this condition is smart. Not only will proper understanding help you determine if your loved one is suffering with this disease of the nervous system, but it can also help you find the support needed to care for your parent properly.…
When your nose starts running and a cough begins to develop, you may want to find instant relief by going to the doctor for an antibiotic. While most people think antibiotics are the perfect cure for colds, allergies, and flus, they are not the best option in some cases. It really depends on the nature of your illness, and it might be better for you to try to feel better with other options.…
As you age, you might find a number of things going a bit awry with your body. One of the most common side effects of aging is the fact that your eyes will begin to lose the vigor and health that they once retained in your youth. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about 5 common eye diseases that may affect you as you grow older.…
If you are missing some teeth and are considering replacing them, you may be thinking about getting dental implants. Dental implants are the number one product for tooth replacement; however, if you smoke, you may want to think twice before going through with this. Smoking may not only affect your eligibility for getting dental implants, but it can also affect the ability of your body to keep them.
Why Is Smoking A Factor When Getting Dental Implants?…
According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, an estimated 3.1 million Americans used acupuncture to treat a number of illnesses and conditions, from nausea and back pain to cancer, in 2007. If you’re pregnant and suffering from morning sickness, swollen feet or trouble sleeping, you might be willing to try just about anything to find a little relief. Here are a few common questions many pregnant women considering acupuncture have, including whether it is safe for their growing baby:…
Red imported fire ants are native to South America but have spread to many countries throughout the world, including the United States. These ants are infamous for the painful blisters that their stings leave behind, but for people who are allergic to the venom, the sting is even more serious. Here are five things you need to know about fire ant venom allergies.
Where are fire ants found?
Fire ants have a large range in the United States.…
If you are sick or injured and an ambulance is called, you’re headed for the emergency room. But, what happens if you have a minor injury or just feel sick when your regular doctor’s office is closed? Should you head for the emergency room or seek help at one of the urgent care centers in your area? Below are the differences between the two services, which may help you decide.…