Surprising Ways That Botox Can Be Used To Manage Issues With Your Eyes
Although Botox is known by many as an invaluable tool in the fight against aging and its origins as a poison are also common knowledge, it is often shocking to learn that there are other benefits it can provide in a medical setting. For example, it can be used to help patients who suffer from overly frequent blinking and has also been quite successful at treating crossed eyes. If you suffer from either condition and your physician has suggested Botox, it is a good idea to be aware of the information discussed below.
Botox Treatments For Treating Non-stop Blinking
Since many people may not regard the inability to stop blinking as a serious health concern, it is easy to skip over this application of Botox. However, uncontrolled blinking, which is also known as blepharospasm, can be very stressful for the patient and is a leading cause of partial vision loss. In addition, maintaining steady employment, especially if the job requires working with the public, is not always easy. The same is true of inter-personal relationships.
Therefore, you should know that Botox provided as an injection directly into the affected muscle freezes it and prevents the excessive blinking for at least three months. You may notice the improvement in as little as a day and last for three months or longer.
Botox For Your Crossed Eyes
Given that crossed eyes, which are also known as strabismus, are often the result of the same muscular deficits as non-stop blinking, you may have already guessed that the issue can often benefit from the same or similar treatments. It typically involves numbing the eye with drops and then inserting a needle containing the Botox into the muscles controlling the position of the eye. Just as Botox does for excessive blinking, it may be possible for the issue to improve for about three months, but some patients have reported that they have built up an immunity to the product over time. In that instance, more frequent treatments are often necessary in order to get the results you need.
As a result, you should discuss your concerns with your physician. It may be possible to provide a small amount of medication to the eye at first in order to get the expected results and increasing the dosage in the future as needed to maintain the condition of your eyes.
In conclusion, Botox treatments use a very small amount of a known toxin to treat a variety of significant health problems. If you have recently began Botox treatments for crossed eyes or non-stop blinking, or you expect to undergo those treatments in the future, you need to be familiar with the information provided above. For more information, contact companies like Stellis Health.